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Sparking the Reading Shift: Language-Literacy Enrichment - 12 hour-long lessons in 120 pages. Same activities as in Sparking the Reading Shift: Language-Literacy Intervention but with fewer and shorter lessons. For "Reading Joggers" - disfluent, disinterested & underperforming readers, including those reading at or near grade level, or struggling to recover from the pandemic.
Each lesson in Sparking the Reading Shift: Language-Literacy Enrichment includes practice reading, spelling and writing words, phrases and sentences, including vocabulary-expanding multisyllabic and poly-morphemic words. The lessons follow the A-B-E-C format so students learn to the Analyze patterns in words - Build Words from word parts - Expand Words into longer words and phrases - Combine Words into Sentences.
Each page is a self-contained activity, with simple instructions, ready-made word lists and a form for word, phrase or sentence creation .
This version is pre-printed, mailed version. Includes license for two students.
Also available in a PDF version for immediate download.
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